My last post was about our Halloween adventures and now I am posting about Thanksgiving! This time of year goes by so fast. I LOVE the holiday season. I love all of the food. I love all of the decorating. I love all of the family time. I can’t think of one thing I don’t love.
We trade off years for Thanksgiving between my husbands family and my family. This year we are going to my In-Laws for the holiday. However, I will still make a Thanksgiving meal since we are having a “Friendsgiving” party before the holiday. Scott is SO excited because that means I am cooking a turkey.
Before Scott and I got married, I am not sure for how long before, Scott has hosted a Christmas party. I LOVE that he does this. And it has been fun to continue the tradition in to our marriage. This year we changed it up since one of our friends that moved out of state will be in town for Thanksgiving. So we are having a “Friendsgiving” party. Everyone will bring a side or dish that the love, but I will also do all of the trimmings of a Thanksgiving feast.

Do you have a special dishes you prepare on Thanksgiving? Do you want me to do a post with any recipes from my menu?