I feel so good about this month. It might be because we have a trip planned for the end of the year that I cannot wait for. December is generally a busy month for people. There are plenty of holiday parties, family get togethers, ugly sweater contests and lots of memories to be made.

First, let's start with daily tasks. Go ahead, write out things you do each day. I find that if I write them out and can cross them off I feel like I have accomplished things.
Make Bed
Get ready
Personal Development: Scriptures, Gratitude, Read Burnout
Instagram posting
Claire to & from school
Make Dinner
Sweep & Mop
Next, I am going to write out what I know is happening this month. Your turn, write out the things you know you have.
2nd: The Society
2 & 3rd: Patrick's Office
4th: Mixhers Pop-up Shop
Christ Kindle Market Date
7th: Dr Appointment
11th: Nutcracker
15th: Event: Christmas Party for Mixhers
16th: The Society
17th: Early Release - Courtney & Claire
Courtney Driver's Test
20th: Dentist Appointments
21st: Dr Appointment
23rd: Mom's Birthday
25th: Christmas
26th: Leave for Vacation
29th: Back home
30th: Happy Birthday Alex

Because I have written out what I know is on the calendar it helps me to better plan if and when someone asks to do something. I have an idea