Happy First Monday of 2022!

Wow. I took a few weeks off and feel like a new woman. Over those few weeks I had a big Christmas Party I had been coordinating for a company I love, Mixhers. There was my Mom's birthday, Christmas, our big trip to Disneyland, Alex's birthday and New Years. We did all the festive things. It was perfect not to feel like I had to create content on the blog, give my family my attention and focus on making memories.
I came back to the blog and it felt good to have some FRESH ideas for this year. I have some great direction and cannot wait to share those things with you.
2022 is going to be the best year yet!

Over the "break" I signed up to attend the Wedding MBA Convention in Las Vegas later this year, and I am excited. I am super excited my dear friend Sadie (she owns Sticks & Stems) jumped on board with me to go. It will be amazing for sure.
I am also part of a few things this year I know will bring attention to my business here and it is going to be so good.