As a little girl I dreamed of walking down the aisle and could picture my bouquet perfectly. It was red roses, in a full round shape, with the stems wrapped all the way down it in white ribbon. Don't ask me what my dress looked like. I don't remember. But this was my dream bouquet. I didn't ever get to have it, but I still think of it.
When you are working with your florist on designing your dream wedding flowers it will help to get on Pinterest and save things you are in love with. This will help them create a vision board for you that shows what is needed for your wedding bouquet.
One thing a lot of brides don't know is if you are wanting dried flowers it will cost more than doing live flowers. I don't know why, but it does.
A bridal bouquet starts around $250.
Do magnets on the boutonnieres.
Look up a pocket square for your groom
Allow your florist some creativity. You will be happier! If you allow your florist to add their creative touches to your wedding day you won't be disappointed if your budget couldn't get the Pinterest pin exactly.
If you are on the fence about doing a real flower bouquet because you feel like it is a waste of money, it isn't. AND, my gorgeous artist friend has been creating the perfect gift of your flowers. Adonna will take a photo from your wedding of your bouquet and do a custom painting of it. It makes the perfect 1st anniversary gift (the gift is paper). Listen up grooms!