If you follow me on social media (Instagram and Facebook) you may have seen my posts about Mom Tribe. I even did a blog post about it here. It has quickly become one of my most favorite “me time” activities. I want to share it with every woman I know. I wish all of you lived here so we could go together. Last night was NO exception.
Last night’s topic was “Finding Your Authentic Eating Style” and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I loved what Leah Kirshbaum had to say. Here are a few of my notes:
Health is a very loaded word.
Health is so much more than what we put in our body.
“Hunger is a whisper” – Dr. Anita Johnston
Accept your body in ALL stages.

Leah is a nutritionist and promotes intuitive eating. I am ordering these books per her recommendation to learn more about it. (these links are AD links)
Intuitive Eating: by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (This also has a workbook to go along with it.)
Health At Every Size: by Linda Bacon (does anyone else find it funny that her last name is Bacon and it is about eating?
One of my most favorite portions of the evening is the Tribe Questions. You write down a question that you have and you ask it of those at your table. It can be ANYTHING. My question was “What do you do for date night with your spouse?” My table gave me incredible ideas. Go to a comedy show, ice cream and bowling, workout, read books aloud to each other, finding events to look forward to.

TribeHouse also has so many other tribes for people to join. The newest thing TribeHouse is doing is Apprentice Tribe with a pilot program using InvolveED. Involve takes students with no prior experience, provides a hands-on education and job placement program, and is now powered by the TribeHouse mentor network.

They are doing their first pilot program starting April 1st. This pilot is for Software Development. They have 10 spots open for trial. It is ZERO-SUM tuition. Do you want to hear more? You can click here to apply and get more information. Do you know someone you think will benefit from this? Click here to refer them!