Toward the end of last year I saw the funniest meme… But it was totally true!

I however used my planner last year more than ever! And not to keep track of my kids school work. They have their own planners. But I have usually started the year of fairly strong, and then tapered off in the summer to pick it up a little bit in the fall. But I was consistent. And I think that the planner I have was KEY. And the pens and the highlighters. I could go on and on. But I think I may have found a magic sauce for planning and being successful with my planner!

Some of these are affiliate links. That means I receive a small commission if you buy something from them at no cost to you.
I was introduced to Plum Paper when I saw their booth at Pinner’s Conference in 2019. I loved the idea of picking the layout, the colors, my cover and adding on things I would want. I ordered my first planner from them shortly after. I got a 7×9 planner for 12 months (you can totally pick how many months you make your planner!). As soon as it arrived at my house I was in love. The paper was so smooth to write on. The layout was exactly what I wanted.
As this year has progressed, I realized a few things I wanted to change with my planner for this year. Rather than having a page for the blog planning with each month I wanted a dedicated section for the year. I didn’t really use the reflections pages like I had hoped I would, so I didn’t add them. But for my 2021 calendar I added lots of note pages, 2 extra per month and a whole section in the back! I kept the social media planning section with plans on how I would utilize it better this year.
I also went with the big mamma on this years planner. I have a lot that I am coordinating and I need more space to write it all! I felt that the smaller planner was fine, but I also like to have space to see what I wrote at the same time.

I have purchased these 3 times. Yes. 3. I use them to the point of no return. I have found that if I color code different things in my life then I can know at a glance without reading what is written the different areas of my life that need attention each day. For 2021 I have color coded even more as I found a good groove last year.
For example: appointments are purple. The Strawberry Nest is pink (obviously). Allstate is blue. Birthdays are neon orange. You get the drift. If I see any of those colors I know what my day looks like at a glance!
These highlighters DO NOT bleed through paper. Order them and thank me later!

Have you ever found a pen and just knew it was meant to be used by you? That is how the Pilot pens are for me. But not just any Pilot… The V5 RT pens are my beloved.
They write so smooth. They are like a gel with the way they glide over your paper, but with all the control of a ball point. Anytime someone asks me for a pen and I let them use one they will inevitably take a photo of the pen to buy their own. They are that good. I have the rainbow pack because, color coding… But I also really love the colors of this set too. I have it. Are you surprised?
I didn’t know I would come to love a magnetic bookmark as much as I do. I keep it in the corner of my weekly calendar. That way when or if I have to shut my calendar I can find my place very quickly. I use one on my Make Chic Happen Planner to keep my spot there as well for each week.