At the beginning of May I made myself a priority in my business. I know that sounds funny. It isn’t though. I needed to invest in myself to make my business go to the next level.

So I took a course. I took The Party Planner Academy put on by Chelsey Curtis. Don’t let the name fool you. I learned so much about how to START a business. This course wasn’t all tables capes and balloon arches. It was learning how to start your business, how to grow your business and how to work with companies.
A month in to this course Chelsey put out another course called The 28 Day Challenge. So naturally I took it as well.
The 28 Day Challenge goes hand in hand with The Party Planner Academy. In The 28 Day Challenge I dug deep to find my why, to learn how to tell my story and create content.
After The 28 Day Challenge I dug right back in to The Party Planner Academy. By the middle of July I received my certificate from the PPA!
My official review:
I knew that I wanted to take the Party Planner Academy back in March of 2019. I was so excited when registration was opened up at the beginning of May! I signed up as quickly as I could and dove right in. I quickly learned so much about having a business that I started my to do list and began chipping away.
A few weeks later when Chelsey announced the 28-day Challenge I knew I had to take it. It went hand in hand with the Academy. I have learned so much about creating content, working with brands, the behind the scenes of hosting and event, and how to own my own business. Without this course I would have felt overwhelmed. Chelsey put each piece of the puzzle in easy to manage steps to accomplish. Before this class I was spinning my wheels and getting nowhere fast in my business. Now I am successful working with brands and making money!
If you watch one of Chelsey’s webinars (which I suggest you do) you might see my face along with hearing stories about me taking the course.