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Writer's pictureSarah

I am SO Glad You Are Here

Hi! Can we talk about this year? 2020! Big things are coming. I can feel them. I can’t wait to share everything I have been spending a lot of time on. My whole heart is in this.

And if you are new to this corner of the internet, my name is Sarah. I have been writing here for the last 18 months. I am married to Scott who makes all of my dreams come to life. We have four kids. Courtney is 16, has her own job and is growing up way too fast for me to be ok with. Alex just turned 14 on Monday. He is taller than me, is so kind and funny. Claire is 4 and sassy. She entertains us with her funny sayings and antics. Oliver completed our family almost 2 years ago. He gives the most incredible hugs.

I started this blog when Oliver was 4 months old. I was having a hard time transitioning to 4 kids. So I decided to do something for me. Writing a blog allows me a creative outlet that is all mine, it keeps the kitchen table clean from crafts and gives me a purpose. When I started it I knew I wanted it to go places. I just kind of floundered around for 9 months when I started to find my place.

And here we are. On this first day of 2020.

Big things are happening, and I am busting at the seams to share!!!

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