A few weeks ago it snowed. And it snowed the next week. I won’t forget the time it snowed before Halloween. And on Thanksgiving.
My kids love playing in the powdery goodness that is snow. What’s funny is when I take them swimming in the summer… Claire gets frozen in the 95 degree heat while playing in the pool. Our times there last about an hour before we have to pack up and go home. But when it is 25 degrees outside with snow on the ground she can play out there for hours without freezing her tiny buns off. Please help me understand!
Once everyone decides they have had enough snow get down their shirts they all head inside. A few years ago I decided to get ahead of the crazy with all the snow gear coming off and hot cocoa being asked for.
While everyone is outside playing I set up a hot cocoa bar. Then I join them. My bar is super simple, but really perfect when you get in from the cold.
I have several flavors of hot cocoa all the time. My choice is always the sipping hot chocolate from Angelina Paris. Yep, I brought two boxes home with me when Scott and I went two years ago. A friend brought me another box after their trip over the summer and my mom brought me one from her trip to Paris last year. Once those run out I need to get back to Paris. Because I can’t go back to anything else. We also love Stephen’s brand of hot cocoa. And then I keep the Swiss Miss hot cocoa for Claire since she drinks about 4 sips and then is done.
To go along with the hot cocoa I have a plate with the Danish butter cookies, we get the big tin at Costco each year, they are perfect for dipping in hot cocoa. I will put out marshmallows and candy canes, sometimes even little kisses to add to the cocoa.
It is totally simple, easy and makes everyone happy!