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Writer's pictureSarah

An Update on Oliver

If you follow me on Instagram then you probable saw a post last Friday of little Oliver’s foot. His foot was wrapped up in green medical tape stuff with the end of an IV sticking out. I even said that he is ok. Which he was. I didn’t want to get specific in my post since I still wasn’t sure what was happening.


Last Friday morning, it was a normal morning. The only thing that was off was when Scott told me Oliver had some dried blood on his cheek when he woke up. I figured he had a little bloody nose in the night. No big deal. It is dry. I was working in my insurance office that morning so I got everyone ready to go to their various places, school, work and work for the littles and I.

*WARNING: might be a little graphic*

As I was walking with Oliver back to his room to grab a bib, he spit up. Blood. Bright Red Blood. There were clots. I knew this wasn’t normal. I called Scott and let him know, then I called the pediatrician’s office. I was just going to talk to a nurse and see if I needed to bring him there or to the ER. Strangely enough, I was so calm. The receptionist listened to me and said, I can leave a message for a nurse, but they are going to tell you to bring him in. So we made an appointment for 45 minutes later. Once we got to the office, he spit up a little more blood.

We have the BEST doctor’s office. It is small, it is family focused and they all know our names and love our kids. Kim is our doctor. Yep, first name basis. That is how awesome they are. She said she wanted me to keep an eye on it. If he had another bloody spit up I would end up in the ER. Once we got home I was nursing Oliver and he made a dirty diaper. I went to change it and it was black, thick, and not normal at all. I called to see if that meant I needed to go to the ER. It did.

Scott came home to go with me. The best thing about this ER trip is it was Friday at lunch time. NO ONE was in the ER. We were taken right back. Oliver had not been acting sick, wasn’t running a fever, was his normal happy little self. They had to take his blood to see how his levels were and if he had lost too much blood. If he had we would have been on our way to Primary Children’s Hospital right away. But he was completely stable. They sent us home with a prescription for baby Prilosec and instructions to call Primary Children’s to get him scoped to see what is going on.

Today Oliver has his appointment at Primary Children’s Hospital. He is not getting a scope, this is a visit with the Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic to see if a scope is necessary. I am hopeful this was a one time issue and we will be able to move forward!

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