As an adult I have had a few traditions that I have wanted in my family. Once I married Scott we have some that we want to have for our family that I am so grateful that he wanted to start.
The first thing is “hunting” for our Christmas Tree. This has happened 2 out of the 5 Christmases we have been married. However, having new babies and being pregnant hindered a couple of years. We go spend the night with Scott’s brother and his family, have an amazing breakfast and then drive up in the mountains to find the perfect Christmas Tree.

I also love that we have gone to the Riverwoods and taken a photo with the Nutcracker there every year since Scott and I were dating (except that one year they didn’t put out the nutcracker in 2015). It is fun to see how we have grown as a family!
On New Year’s we spend the evening eating delicious foods and playing Cover Your Assets (ad link) with our friends Shawn and Kris.