It’s the beginning of the month. (I mean, we are only 4 days in). I feel like January is sooooo long, then February speeds by. And now it is March. The month the world shut down last year. I think we all have had enough and want to go back to “normal” life.
For me, meal planning is a once a month situation. I know a lot of people who plan each week. I just don’t have the mental bandwidth to have to do that much planning. So I put it in my routine of monthly to-dos on the last Monday of each month.
I have a monthly calendar that I got in the Target Dollar Spot. I fill that baby out and put it on the fridge! That is by far the best thing I have done. My big kids know the calendar is there, Scott checks it too. It hasn’t completely solved the “what’s for dinner?” question every day, but it’s getting there.
When I am planning my meals I try to plan with meals that create leftovers at the beginning of the week so I can fashion those meals in to another meal later in the week. For example: I will make tacos on Tuesday (because: Facts) and then Thursday plan stuffed bell peppers. Then I am repurposing the taco fixings into a new meal. No one is ever bored with having to eat the same thing twice in the week and the work to make the second dinner is mostly done!
Doing the meal planning each month allows me to write my grocery list and order the grocery pick up. I keep a running tally of what I have in the pantry, basement food storage and freezers. I really don’t love going grocery shopping. I hit Costco up once a month and then do my online order for pick up. Each week I will go and get fresh produce and milk. Even that, I have Scott do for me sometimes.
Clean and engaging branding photography in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Linen Light Studio in West Jordan on January 23rd, 2021. (Photography by Savanna Richardson, Clarity Lane) © Clarity Lane Branding Photography Branding Photographer Branding Photo Branding Photos Branding Pictures Branding Session
Now, my dearest friend Jaycee, over at My Mind Body Kitchen just did a marathon of work in like less than 4 days. She created a YEARS worth of meal plans. Complete with recipes, grocery lists, inventory pages and so much more. She’s getting ready to launch it on her website. BUT, you can take all the work out of your meal planning and subscribe to her monthly meal plans where each month it will be in your inbox.
Just tonight (the night I am writing this post) I was able to try Jaycee’s Chili Mac for dinner. It was so good. Her recipes are perfect. And we have never had one we don’t like at my house. Scott raves about her Pasta Stir Fry. The kids LOVE her Taco Lasagna. For real. She’s amazing in the kitchen.